2021-6.14 - Cellercise® LIVE w/Dave Hall - QA, Feet Positioning, Cellular Health, Posture

Let us know how we can help! 435-562-4456 For more videos check out our video library at: https://cellercise.com/video-library-for-rebounding/ 00:00 Introduction 08:19 Testimonials 10:55 Can you show us how to tilt the head to tone the face? 12:08 I’m looking for a book to learn the science behind the health benefits of rebounding. I would love your recommendations. 13:30 Is there any possibility to get a Cellerciser in Europe? 13:52 Are 2 or 3 five-minute sessions a day as good as one longer one? 14:34 If I jump off the mat it jars my neck. Any suggestions? 15:19 Any suggestion for workout to manage a new diagnosis of a diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis vertebrae T6 & T9. 16:54 Reading and listening to different theories about the COVID virus, every article says something different except one point if our cell membranes are strong we have a better chance to stay well , get better fast, and be healthier. Could you address the cell strength and how it works with the Cellerciser? 18:50 Will a power sprint and power breathing help to increase your energy throughout the day? 19:25 Dave and Christine set up to do a routine together. 21:51 Begins the routine titled 7th Routine for Beginners 32:23 What would you recommend for better posture, who works at a computer all day and has rounded as a result? Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor. The Cellerciser helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser, consult with your doctor. Your doctor may also give Dave Hall a call for various Cellercise® techniques that they may consider. You may also give Dave Hall a call and he can share with you techniques that you can consult with your doctor on. The DVD, “Cellercise®...the Ultimate Exercise!” personal trainer section may also be referenced by your Doctor. Dave Hall has 30 years experience working with doctors and health practitioners and is happy to consult with yours. We want you to have a growing and healthful experience. cellercise.com mrrebounder.com #cellercise​ #cellerciser​ #rebounder
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