2021-8.30 - Cellercise® LIVE with Dave Hall, QA, Immune System

Let us know how we can help! 435-562-4456 For more videos check out our video library at: https://cellercise.com/video-library-for-rebounding/ 00:00 Sound Check 01:12 Introduction 03:17 Cellerciser Mat and what makes it different. 04:30 Patented Springs 06:19 Monitor 08:34 Testimonials 20:09 When will the Bluetooth monitor be available? 21:41 I am post-chemo but am still getting immunotherapy infusions for what is left of the remaining breast tumor. How can the Cellerciser help with this? I just started jumping recently for lymph flow. I haven’t had surgery. 23:08 How does rebounding compare with vibration plates? 24:44 Would it be redundant to do both? 25:00 How does it compare to swinging on a swing? 25:34 Does rebounding strengthen the vagus nerve? 26:13 Does rebounding help with a hiatal hernia? 26:56 Rebounding after total knee replacement. Is it possible? 28:04 Anyone else suffer from burping while jumping? 28:45 Any ideas how to reduce or eliminate this bothersome issue? 29:10 I have strained my lower back. Would it be helpful to do the baby bounce, or should I wait until I get better? 30:28 I had a c-section June 9th and was wondering when it would be best to start rebounding again in your opinion? 31:42 I have a Bellicon rebounder but what I hear from you is that it may be sluggish compared to the Cellerciser? 33:50 I do jumping jacks but I barely come off the mat. I’m 130 pounds, do I need to be worried about breaking a spring? 35:35 How is it that Dave looks younger everything I see him? I have serious sciatic pain. What exercises should I do? 37:00 I made a mistake, last week I leaned over an armchair arm to pick up a piece of paper that hit the floor. I don’t know what happened or what I did to my right rib cage whether it is bruised, dislocated, or cracked. Obviously not enough padding for what I chose to do. I will not go to any medical facility for this. Should I do the baby bounce? I have no idea what to do, the rib cage is used for everything. Everything is horrible. Do you have any advice? 38:38 I love my Cellerciser. I’ve noticed I’m really sore after workouts. I know it is because I’m using muscles I haven’t used before. Will the soreness get better? 40:30 Does the twist and the modified twist both loosen and strengthen the hip flexor? 42:01 Immune System 45:10 Can Cellercise help with chronic fatigue? 46:04 Immune System Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor. The Cellerciser helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser, consult with your doctor. Your doctor may also give Dave Hall a call for various Cellercise techniques that they may consider. You may also give Dave Hall a call and he can share with you techniques that you can consult with your doctor on. The DVD, “Cellercise...the Ultimate Exercise!” personal trainer section may also be referenced by your Doctor. Dave Hall has 30 years experience working with doctors and health practitioners and is happy to consult with yours. We want you to have a growing and healthful experience. Cellercise.com mrrebounder.com #cellercise # cellerciser #rebounder
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