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Diabetes used to be categorized as juvenile diabetes and adult onset diabetes and is now simply referred to as Type 1 and Type 2. Juvenile diabetes (Type 1) got its name because it referred to the phenomenon in which people are born with a pancreas that doesn’t operate quite right. Adult-onset diabetes (Type 2) happens as the result of lifestyle behaviors. It was originally unheard of in children. Over time, the American lifestyle became more sedentary and food became more sugar-laden. As the obesity epidemic began affecting children, adult onset diabetes began cropping up in children. This necessitated a name change.
Type 2 Diabetes
People who have Type 2 diabetes don’t metabolize sugar properly. Insulin is a hormone produced to regulate sugar in the body. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body either doesn’t make enough insulin to maintain normal levels of glucose or the body is resistant to the effects of insulin.
Often people have diabetes and don’t know it. The symptoms develop slowly. Usually this occurs after years of not exercising enough and eating poorly. Classic symptoms to be on the lookout for include: Intense hunger Excessive thirst Increased urine production Weight loss Fatigue Blurred vision Frequent infections Slower healing Patches of dark skin Risk Factors No one knows exactly why some people develop the disease and others don’t, but there are specific factors that seem to increase the risk. Here are some of the most common risk factors: Overweight. Although not everyone who has type 2 diabetes is overweight, carrying excess weight increases the risk of developing the disease. Cells become more resistant to insulin when there is more fatty tissue in the body. Sedentary lifestyle. Being physically active helps maintain a healthy body weight. It also causes the body to use more glucose as energy. The cells of the body become more sensitive to the insulin being produced. Abdominal fat. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases if the body primarily stores fat in the abdomen. Family history. If a parent or sibling suffers from type 2 diabetes, the likelihood of developing the disease increases. Age. People frequently become more sedentary as they age, which may be why the risk factor increases with age. When most people think of diabetes, they think of dietary sugar. Everyone knows that restricting sugar intake is part of the management of diabetes. Not everyone knows that physical activity such as rebounding exercise can help manage blood sugar. Diabetes is a dangerous disease. It affects the heart, nerves, eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels. Ignoring the symptoms increases the risk of life-threatening complications.
Preventing Complications
Even if diabetes runs in the family, it can be prevented by consistently making healthy lifestyle choices. Some people diagnosed as prediabetic have completely reversed the condition through behavior modification in the form of increased activity and a healthy diet. Here are the best ways to prevent diabetes: Healthy diet. Focus food choices on lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Exercise. Participate in some form of aerobic exercise each day. Rebounding exercise has been shown to be especially effective. Lose weight. By focusing on healthy eating and 30 minutes of exercise each day, the body will naturally get to a healthier weight.
Get Moving.
Exercise is essential to the diabetic body. Muscles need glucose for fuel. When the body is exercising, muscles process the glucose, bypassing the need for additional insulin. Studies show that aerobic exercise like rebounding improves the body’s ability to manage glucose. The lymphatic system doesn’t operate properly in people with type 2 diabetes. With diabetes, the vessel walls become porous and leak. Using a rebounding exercise system stimulates the lymphatic system so it can repair the damage that the diabetes caused.
Rebounding from Diabetes
People with diabetes need to regulate the intensity of their exercise. If the intensity is too high, the body treats it as stress. Stress causes the body to increase blood sugar. This is counterproductive when using exercise to treat diabetes. Working out on a rebounder provides a lower impact cardiovascular workout without raising blood glucose levels. Additional complications for those with diabetes include retinopathy (vascular eye damage) and peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in the feet). These issues can be brought on or exacerbated by high-impact exercise. Rebounding provides an effective, yet gentle workout that can help protect the body from these conditions. A common, serious side effect of diabetes is amputation. Diabetics need to be particularly conscientious about foot care. The reason that people lose toes, feet, or legs is because of poor circulation in their feet. Working out on a rebounding system circulates the blood throughout the body, especially in the feet. The Cellercise® Rebounder system helps diabetics control their blood sugar in as little as 10 minutes a day. Used consistently, the system can decrease the risk of the dangerous health complications that those with type 2 diabetes face.
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.