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Rebounding to Strengthen and Relieve Neck and Back Pain
Research claims that approximately 80% of Americans will experience neck and/or back pain. For some, it may be for just a moment, for others it may become a way of life. Living with pain can limit day to day activities and enjoyment. It can take its toll on us physically and mentally. Dave Hall, owner of Cellercise®, understands neck and back pain personally. He set out to create a piece of exercise equipment that would change his life and it had done the same now for tens of thousands worldwide. Through this endeavor, Dave created the Cellerciser®, a rebounder, that can help improve circulation, strengthen, and efficiency of every cell in the body. Through his unique Tridaptable® spring design, Cellerciser® can offer benefits without the jarring of typical aerobic impact sports. Thirty years later, Dave is still pain free and continues his 10 minutes per day rebound routine.
One Cellerciser® owner writes about the benefits she and her husband have received with Cellercising: Dear David, My Cellerciser® is the best. To think you can do this from the comfort of your home and not even need special clothes! What could be better, great in all kinds of weather. My husband has to use it first thing in the morning for joint pain and it does wonders as he is 75. I have lost over 20 lbs. and that is very hard for me to do. My clothes are all too big and I feel great. The big bonus is you. As you have helped me so much with my back. You remember I had 2 slipped disks and it had been 10 years. I was still having problems often, even if I moved wrong or lifted and soon after doing what you told me on the Cellerciser® I have no pain and no problem. Before, about once a month I would be laid up with my back. I could go on and on like, it’s fun, safe, easy, good for you and Works! Keep up the good work! God Bless, Barbara Thank you Barbara. You can read this and many other reviews at https://reviews.cellercise.com/customer-reviews/ Recently, Dave did a live presentation addressing Cellercise® with neck and back issues. The recording can be accesses at:
Addressing back pain and enjoying a better quality of life, with better movement, more energy, and overall performance, is a worthwhile endeavor for anybody at any age. Cellercise® can help with that endeavor. For more information, visit cellercise.com. After all…“Why work out…when you can play in!”™ Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your Doctor. The Cellerciser® helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser®, consult with your Doctor. Copyright Dave Hall and Health & Beyond, LLC. All rights reserved.