Trampoline Workout: Three Basic Rebounding Exercises

Trampoline Workout: Three Basic Rebounding Exercises

Disclaimer: This Blog/Web Site is made available by the publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give general information & understanding regarding the industry. It is not to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. By using this Blog / Web Site you understand that this Blog/Web Site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. For our full disclaimer, please read: Cellercise® Disclaimer

When you first start rebounding, you might feel a little confused. Sure, rebounding is fun, but what exactly are you supposed to be doing? Let’s take a look at the three basic rebounding exercises to get you started on your rebounding routine.

The Health Bounce

The health bounce is the most basic form of rebounding. To complete the health bounce, simply gently bounce up and down on a rebounder without your feet leaving the mat. The health bounce is the most low impact of the basic bounces, while still providing a host of benefits to the entire body.   If you’re feeling a bit nervous about standing and bouncing, be sure to use the stability bar accessory to stabilize your rebounding. Or feel free to sit on your bottom and bounce, or even kneel. Each of these exercises is low impact, so it shouldn’t negatively impact the joints. Once you build up your balance and confidence, you’ll soon be completing the health bounce with no problems at all.

The Strength Bounce

Strength bouncing is one step further than health bouncing. To strength bounce is when you jump as high as you can on your rebounder. This bounce strengthens your stabilizing muscles throughout your body, including your lower body and core. You’ll start to see improved muscle tone and posture, as well as balance and strength.   The strength bounce is great if you already maintain a fairly active lifestyle. Word to the wise, be sure you have enough headroom before you go all out on the strength bounce. Bumped noggins are no fun. As always, be safe and have fun!

Aerobic Bouncing

Aerobic bouncing is strength bouncing 2.0. This includes jumping jacks, twisting, running in place, bouncing on one leg at a time, dancing, and any other crazy maneuvers you can think of.   Doing these high intensity aerobic exercises will get your blood pumping and your sweat on. Aerobic bouncing is great if you are trying to boost your cardio abilities and burn fat fast.   Regardless of which type of bouncing you choose, be sure to use a top of the line rebounder like Cellerciser®.
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!

Articles with this disclaimer may not represent the beliefs or core values of the Cellerciser® Program or Dave Hall. The above is simply a summary taken from the industry's general community to help readers stay up-to-date on what people are talking about.
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