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While rebounding itself is a low ipact exercise, improper form or poorly made rebounders can cause acute injuries. Trampoline rebounder injuries can happen throughout the body when using cheap rebounders unsafely, but three injuries in particular are the focus of this article, as they can lead to other significant injuries that will impact your quality of life.
Your ankles are going to be one of the first body parts to start to feel the impact of rebounding. As we mentioned above, rebounding is a low impact exercise. But rebounding on a poorly made apparatus can cause turned ankles. Anyone who has sprained or strained their ankle in the past knows that this is no joke. Sprains are the result of injuries to a ligament, being either stretching or tearing. Strains are similar, but are actually injuries to the muscle or tendon. Turned ankles from repetitive jumping on cheap rebounders can cause either of these injuries.
Hip injuries are another common injury from cheap rebounders. This is due to an extended rebound that is found on rebounders that provide a higher than necessary rebound. This high rebound can cause the hips to become misaligned when touching down on the rebounder. The unsteady landing pushes the impact through your legs and into your hips and pelvic area. The impact causes the misalignment of the hips, which can be felt in the lower back as well as the pelvis. Misalignment in the hips can cause changes in gait, ability to sit or stand comfortably, and can even inhibit proper digestion
Another injury that you might not expect from using a rebounder is that of upper body and neck injuries. Cheap rebounders can cause neck injuries through an inability to complete a balanced and stable landing. When rebounding with improper balance, you are using your core as well as your upper body to stabilize the wobbliness than can be felt with cheap rebounders. By utilizing your upper body and neck to stabilize your core and lower body, strains and sprains can result in the neck and upper body. You may feel a misalignment of the vertebrae, resulting in severe tension and even headaches. In order to avoid any of the injuries listed above, as well as others that can result from using poorly made rebounders, the answer is simple: avoid cheap rebounders! These products are inexpensive because they are meant to be replaced often, and do not provide the structural integrity necessary to obtain the benefits of rebounding. If you are looking to reap the benefits of rebounding, be sure to invest in a quality rebounder, such as the Cellerciser®. Also, make sure to maintain proper form while rebounding. Proper form will assist with injury prevention. Happy rebounding!
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!