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Improve Your Healthy Heart Focus Through Rebounding Exercise
February is a great time to talk about heart health! We all have those around us that we love and want to be with as long as we possibly can, and in the best health possible. Cellercise® has received many letters and phone calls from those that are struggling with some sort of heart problem. They often wonder if rebounding will hurt them further. Here is a letter from Camille:
Should you just start rebounding?
Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your Doctor. The Cellerciser® helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser®, consult with your Doctor. Your Doctor may also give Dave Hall a call for various Cellercise® techniques that they may consider. You may also give Dave Hall a call and he can share with you techniques that you can consult with your Doctor on. The DVD, “Cellercise®...the Ultimate Exercise!” personal trainer section may also be referenced by your Doctor. Dave Hall has 30 years experience working with doctors and health practitioners and is happy to consult with yours. We want you to have a growing and healthful experience. - Dave Hall
What should I be doing to keep my heart healthy?
The American Heart Association (www.heart.org) has a lot of great information about heart health. They wrote a great article https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living. In this article, they talk about the following:
- Eat Smart – Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices. You don’t need to be a chef to create nutritious, heart-healthy meals.
- Move More – Incorporate more movement into your life.
- Be Well – Create balance, vitality and well being through self-care
What can we do for you?
Many of the suggestions listed above for eating smart and well-being will have to come from you, but we, here at Cellercise®, can help with the Move More portion of your health journey. Take time to visit us on our website cellercise.com or call us directly at Toll-Free: 800-856-4863 or Intl: 435-562-4456. We would love to talk with you about your health concerns.