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“What’s the point of trying to exercise and get in better shape at my age?” “Exercise isn’t good for someone my age.” “I don’t have the time or money to exercise every day.” You’ve probably heard your mom make these or similar excuses. And she’s not the only one. Just 35-44% of adults who are 75 and older are physically active, while only 28-34% of those 65-74 are physically active. Being physically active is part of what she needs to be doing to maintain good health though because getting older brings with it an array of health challenges. But, some of the biggest threats to women’s health are preventable—all it takes, besides of course consulting with a doctor for needed screenings and regular checkups, is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Part of that includes eating healthy and staying fit, both of which will help your mom control her risk factors for stroke, heart disease and even certain types of cancers. And guess what? Your mom doesn’t have to go to the gym or walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day. All she has to do is spend 10 minutes of her day cellercising! Really, with simple and effective 10-minute workouts on the Cellerciser®, your mom can alleviate some of those health concerns she has. Exercising on a rebounder works every single cell in the body—that’s why only a 10-minute Cellercise® workout is needed to get and stay fit. By moving up and down, you create a g-force as your body slows down. And that increase of weight on that cell isn’t just applied to one part of your body; it’s applied to every single cell membrane. The cell’s response is that as you apply weight over and over again to the cell membrane, the cell is simply going to fortify its membrane with more protein to compensate for the weight increase because it doesn’t want to rupture. And that happens with every cell at the same time. When the body’s cells are healthy, every function in the body just works better. Here are some of the health benefits of using an exercise trampoline:
- Enhances bone and joint health. Moving up and down performing exercises on the Cellerciser® increases the circulation between the bones and joints.
- Gets rid of cellulite. The intensity of doing the Jamba Run on the Cellerciser®, especially the faster you do it, helps grow new capillaries and increase circulation that burns off white adipose tissue, aka pesky cellulite.
- Improves bladder issues. The up-and-down movement on a Cellerciser® puts more weight on the sphincter muscle, and doing kegel tightening positions and bouncing helps tone and build up the muscle. With some time, these movements help improve bladder control problems.
- Helps achieve weight loss. Everything you do on the Cellerciser® is aerobic, and study results show aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to burn unhealthy belly fat.
So don’t let you mom make any excuses next year, and don’t just buy her another piece of jewelry. Get her something useful she doesn’t have but could use, and will love using. Get your mom a Cellerciser® for the holidays. She’ll love her results, and love you even more for helping her achieve them
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!