Rebounding & Weight Loss

Rebounding & Weight Loss

Disclaimer: This Blog/Web Site is made available by the publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give general information & understanding regarding the industry. It is not to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. By using this Blog / Web Site you understand that this Blog/Web Site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. For our full disclaimer, please read: Cellercise® Disclaimer

One question we hear frequently here at Cellerciser® is, “Can I lose weight with rebounding?” The answer is yes, you can! Though everyone will experience different results from rebounding, there are a few benefits of losing weight with rebounding that just about everyone will experience. Here are three benefits of losing weight with rebounding.

1. Restful Sleep

Who couldn’t benefit from a better night’s sleep? When you maintain a healthy lifestyle that incorporates rebounding, you’re more likely to sleep better. Rebounding can help you to lose weight, which can minimize the pressure on your windpipe while you sleep. This allows you to breathe more freely, minimizing your risk for sleep apnea.

2. Better Posture

Rebounding benefits every single muscle in your body. When you rebound, you are putting gravitational pressure on your body to pull down, and then spring back up. When this happens, the muscles in your body respond in kind, especially the muscles throughout your core and spine.   In our technology driven culture, sitting slouch backed at a desk is virtually a required task for just about everyone. With rebounding, you can strengthen and stimulate the muscles that allow you to maintain better posture.   Also, losing excess weight allows for a minimization of pressure on the spine, which actually increases the gravitational pull on your neck and shoulders, causing neck pain and poor posture. Rebounding to lose weight is just another way to help minimize this stress that is common in many office bound citizens.

Youthful Glow

When your lymphatic system runs properly, it eliminates toxins and waste from your body efficiently. This can be seen through the body’s largest organ: your skin. Rebounding helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and rid the body of toxins. When the body is free of harmful toxins and waste, the skin is able to function efficiently, providing you with a healthy glow that is free of blemishes and discoloration.   While the benefits of rebounding are virtually endless, these are just a few improvements you might see once you start rebounding for weight loss.
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!

Articles with this disclaimer may not represent the beliefs or core values of the Cellerciser® Program or Dave Hall. The above is simply a summary taken from the industry's general community to help readers stay up-to-date on what people are talking about.
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