Do Mini Trampolines and Rebounding Increase White Blood Cells?

Do Mini Trampolines and Rebounding Increase White Blood Cells?

Rebounding Can Boost White Blood Cell Count

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White blood cells are one of the most important parts of the human body. These cells consume foreign bodies and help to prevent infections, and they are also integral in the body’s fight against cancer cell formation. Many different medical conditions can interfere with the body’s white blood cell count and white blood cell production, and one of the best exercises one can do to compensate for these issues is rebounding. It’s not just a whole body workout for any size or shape.

White blood cells are incredibly vital to healthy immune system functions, so it’s important to consider how rebounding could help your body fight infections and keep your white blood cell count at optimal levels.

The Importance of White Blood Cells

White blood cells are the body’s frontline defense against infection and a key component of the immune system. These cells, also called leukocytes, absorb foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, and germs to prevent them from interfering with the body’s processes. When white blood cell count is low, the body is vulnerable to infection. David Hall, the owner of Cellercise®, believes one of the best perks of using the Cellerciser® is that users can naturally boost their white blood cell counts with rebounding exercises, and keep them elevated for an hour or more after just a few minutes in each session. It’s also possible to increase the intensity of the workout over time for additional benefit.

The red bone marrow of the body produces white blood cells and increased red bone marrow function is just one of the many benefits of rebounding. White blood cells travel from the bone marrow throughout the body, so bone health is vital to immune system health. One of the best benefits of rebounding for your white blood cells is that the exercise encourages strong bone health by placing light pressure on the bones and joints with each bounce.

Exercise naturally causes increased white blood cell production. In fact, your white blood cell count could increase threefold after a moderate workout session and remain at that level for an hour or more after finishing your workout. A higher white blood cell count improves your resistance to infections and illness.

Benefits of Boosting Your White Blood Cell Count With Rebounding

A high white blood cell count is essentially a positive thing for just about anyone. However, some people struggling with various health conditions may benefit more acutely from exercising with a mini trampoline. Rebounding boosts white blood cell production that can aid in the fight against certain cancers, or at least prevent new cancer cells from forming or slow their growth. Rebounding is easy to do, so it’s an acceptable exercise for all age groups. Even people who do not have the use of their legs can benefit from rebounding in a seated position. The bouncing will activate the lymphatic system and encourage white blood cell production, better blood flow, and higher oxygen levels in the body.

Cancer treatment continues to be an incredibly difficult experience for countless people all over the world. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are highly effective at reducing or eliminating tumors, but they come with unpleasant side effects like nausea and reduced immune system function. Since rebounding is a low impact, low intensity workout, it’s relatively easy for a majority of people to do comfortably and can potentially offset diminished white blood cell counts caused by cancer treatments.

Increasing white blood cell count is vital for fighting cancer and many other infectious diseases. While it’s possible to boost levels of various vital nutrients by eating the right foods, there are no known foods that directly influence white blood cell count. Instead, exercises such as rebounding are a great solution to low white blood cell counts and a balanced diet can help address any other nutrient deficiencies.

Rebounding Benefits Beyond White Blood Cell Count

Rebounding is one of the only exercises that activates the lymphatic system of the body, one of the key components of the body’s immune system. The lymphatic system responds to foreign threats inside the body and helps push toxins out of the body, including excess lactic acid, cortisol, and dead cells. Rebounding activates the lymphatic system due to the gravitational sensations that occur with the bouncing motion.

The repeated cycle of weightlessness at the top of each bounce and heaviness at the bottom of each bounce activate the lymphatic system and allow the fluids within it to flow more freely. This essentially kicks the lymphatic system into a higher gear, flushing more toxins out of the body and enhancing the performance of the immune system as a whole.

Rebounding’s effect on the lymphatic system and efficacy as an aerobic exercise have compounded effects throughout the human body. Improved immune system function helps the body avoid illness and increased exercise levels help prevent fat cell growth and improve energy levels. Over time, rebounding can do much more than just boost your white blood cell count, but also enhance various other bodily processes that all contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Essentially, your rebounding exercise will make other exercises more effective, help your body retain higher essential nutrient levels, and improve your metabolism.

Consult Your Doctor About Rebounding

Like any other new form of exercise, it’s essential to discuss your concerns and goals about your personal health with your doctor before rushing out to buy a mini trampoline. White blood cell count issues are serious matters, and if you have cancer or some other condition that causes a low white blood cell count you should discuss these issues at length with your doctor. Rebounding is generally acceptable for anyone to do, but it’s best to check with your doctor to make sure it won’t interfere with any preexisting conditions or other health issues you might have.

If your doctor clears you to start rebounding as part of your daily exercise routine, invest in a high-quality mini trampoline. White blood cell count won’t be the only thing to improve. With as little as ten minutes spent rebounding each day, you can enjoy better immune system functions, higher energy levels, more balanced mood, and increased muscle tone before too long.

Many people enjoy rebounding as part of a whole-body exercise routine. Some prefer rebounding as a warmup exercise before strength training or intense cardio while others use it as a cooldown exercise for a bit of fun before the end of a workout session. However you decide to use mini trampolines, your white blood cell count will at least balance out if not increase with every session. Remember that this article is not official medical advice and exists to inform readers about potential benefits of rebounding with a Cellerciser®, not to treat any specific ailment or medical issue. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns about your white blood cell count or before starting any new type of exercise.


NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.

Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!

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