Exercise????? "Why Workout when you can PlayIn!®

Exercise????? "Why Workout when you can PlayIn!®

Disclaimer: This Blog/Web Site is made available by the publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give general information & understanding regarding the industry. It is not to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. By using this Blog / Web Site you understand that this Blog/Web Site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. For our full disclaimer, please read: http://cellercise.com/disclaimer

Work with your Body, Not Against It

What comes to mind when you think of “working out?” Lifting weights, doing aerobics, sweating, tearing down to build up, (Pain) or “no pain…no gain,” or the myriads of exercise equipment the fitness industry pushes? Has the current methodology of exercise today become more of a chore rather than a pleasure? Does exercise conjure up health clubs, gym clothes, memberships, inconvenience, travel time, special clothing, parking lots, or shared germs. Ever see a dog, cat, monkey or any other species of animal pumping iron, doing pull-ups, push-ups or following along with borderline insane aerobic programs? Animals are generally healthy, active, and in pretty good shape. We are the only species on earth that has “bought” in to the current methodology of exercise. Let’s face it…we have learned how to manipulate the body and rather than work with the body, we often work against it. So what does the animal kingdom offer that we have forgotten? They don’t work at it…they play at it.
What if exercise could be totally different? Something that is fun, easy, economical, convenient, efficient, and safe.

Did You Realize Bouncing Up and Down Builds Muscle Mass?

Have you ever noticed the natural activity of a child? From the moment they stand up in a crib they begin to bounce. As they graduate crib status… they jump on the couch or the bed. As they get older they dance while jumping up and down. The Watuzi’s, aborigines, Indians, and even the Irish bounce up and down in their dance or while standing around a fire. What is it about bouncing up and down that builds up muscle mass, bone density, collagen, and skin, while improving circulation, stimulating brain activity, improving the lymphatic system, balance, rhythm, timing, dexterity, hand-eye coordination and so much more.
In our culture we reach a certain age and we stop bouncing. We live a horizontal existence with gravity always pulling down. We get into our mid life and everything that use to be firm begins to sag and we buy into it as a symptom of aging.

Don't Exercise, Cellercise®!

For over 30 years Dave Hall has been teaching a whole different methodology of exercise called Cellercise®. It doesn’t just lift weight away from gravity, it increases the weight of gravity on every muscle over 100 times per minute. That can burn a lot of calories! Cellercise®…it’s been called the closest thing to the fountain of youth yet devised by man. Dave Hall teaches a 10 minute per day program that works the entire body collectively as a whole…not as parts. It doesn’t tear down to build up. It leverages body weight in different positions. It enhances circulation, targets the supporting muscles and ligaments that support the knees, hips, back, and shoulders. Best of all….it’s fun and can be done by all ages in the convenience of your home, office or while you travel. You don’t need to change your clothes, break out into a sweat or pay a monthly membership. Cellercise® can be done in the safety of your home while watching TV, listening to music, with the heater or air conditioner, or while traveling. Cellercise® offers a one time investment for a lifetime of benefit. For more information visit: www.cellercise.com and read our Customer Reviews.
Best in health!
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!
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