2021-4.5 - Cellercise® LIVE w/Dave Hall - QA, Allergies, Pain & Prostate

Let us know how we can help! 435-562-4456 For more videos check out our video library at: https://cellercise.com/video-library-for-rebounding/ 00:00 Introduction 01:19 Testimonials 05:53 Allergies 07:56 Testimonials 11:39 I would like to see more isometric move holds during the health bounce? 13:30 I would be interested in longer workouts in the app, if you wouldn’t mind. 14:40 Are there any movements for carpal tunnel? 16:02 I heard you say in a past interview that you are going to write a book, did you give up on that or is it still in the works? 16:53 As a Cellerciser expert can you jump on the Cellerciser with a medial collateral ligament of the knee aggravated? Do you think it will help? 18:16 I have lower back issues and discs 4 and 5 are causing me problems. They recommend an operation which I’m trying to avoid by doing exercise such as Yoga and Pilates. I have some discomfort and pain, exercises definitely help. I have a rebounder which is a Bellicon, and I’ve been doing some of your exercises; the Baby Bounce, Jamba Run, and just generally bouncing. But I’m also finding sometimes it effects my neck. I get migraines and my back feels tight the next day. I’m not sure whether to leave a gap or do 10-15 minutes. When I start, I get carried away and do it for 30-40 minutes because I am enjoying myself. I’m also looking at buying the Cellerciser I just want to ask questions before investing in another piece of equipment. 21:18 I heard the Cellerciser may help scoliosis. My 15-year-old granddaughter has been diagnosed and is scheduled for an operation. I do not see any noticeable signs of the problem. Her doctor said she has curvature, and her cousin was diagnosed and operated on and spent several months home. Could you please go over this issue again? 22:19 Just got my Cellerciser a few days ago. My feet start cramping really bad after, about 7 min in. Is it normal for beginners? 23:46 Do you know anything about how many jumps are needed to flush a lymphatic system every day? 24:34 What is a good exercise for chest muscles? 25:12 Is there a routine on Cellerciser that would help an enlarged prostate? 26:28 Get ready for the new routine. 27:18 Do you have any recommendations for osteoarthritis in the lower back? 28:35 Dave welcomes Christine, introduces her workout, and outlines the movements. 31:44 Begin Routine. Routine is located in the Intermediate section of the Mr. Rebounder App. Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor. The Cellerciser helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser, consult with your doctor. Your doctor may also give Dave Hall a call for various Cellercise techniques that they may consider. You may also give Dave Hall a call and he can share with you techniques that you can consult with your doctor on. The DVD, “Cellercise...the Ultimate Exercise!” personal trainer section may also be referenced by your Doctor. Dave Hall has 30 years of experience working with doctors and health practitioners and is happy to consult with yours. We want you to have a growing and healthful experience. cellercise.com mrrebounder.com #cellercise #cellerciser #rebounder
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