Cellercise LIVE w/Dave and Christine - Week 1

Let us know how we can help! 435-562-4456 For more videos check out our video library at: https://cellercise.com/video-library-for-rebounding/ Christine's week one routine - I discussed the movements that I would like Christine to use until next Monday (January 7th) when I check her progress and add new techniques. A quick overview: • Baby bounce for 1-2 minutes • Breathing technique to strengthen lungs • Jamba "walk" - strengthen knees for 20 seconds • Baby bounce in between Jamba walk - don't over do it! If you can only do a few seconds, then great! After all, you are just beginning. • High knee run - for those further along • Baby bounce for 1-2 minutes We want your feedback! Let us know how you do! ***Important*** Before beginning any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor. The Cellerciser helps expose weaknesses, so if you feel pain or discomfort while using the Cellerciser, consult with your doctor. Your doctor may also give Dave Hall a call for various Cellercise techniques that they may consider. You may also give Dave Hall a call and he can share with you techniques that you can consult with your doctor on. The DVD, “Cellercise...the Ultimate Exercise!” personal trainer section may also be referenced by your Doctor. Dave Hall has 30 years experience working with doctors and health practitioners and is happy to consult with yours. We want you to have a growing and healthful experience. https://cellercise.com/ #cellercise #cellerciser #rebounder
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