Disclaimer: This Blog/Web Site is made available by the publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give general information & understanding regarding the industry. It is not to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. By using this Blog / Web Site you understand that this Blog/Web Site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. For our full disclaimer, please read: Cellercise® Disclaimer
As the market becomes more familiar with rebounding, dozens of rebounders have made their way to the consumer. However, not all rebounders are created equally. Cellerciser® has been on the market for more than 20 years. It is safe, possesses higher quality and has more benefits than other rebounders that are currently available. Let’s take a look at why Cellerciser® is the best rebounder around.
The thing about other rebounders is that they do not possess the quality that can be seen in the Cellerciser®. For example, most rebounders that are available now use tube or taper springs, which not only wear out more quickly than Triple Tiered Tri-Flex springs, but they can also cause more injuries. Quality can also be seen in the Cellerciser®’s electroplated steel frame. This sturdy steel frame provides life long durability, as opposed to the composite or plastic frames on cheaper models.
With top of the line quality comes an emphasis on safety. Cellerciser®’s durable spring system and steel frame are only the beginning of a safer rebounder. The mat also upholds the idea of safety. Other mats tend to be thinner and more susceptible to wear and tear. The Cellerciser®’s mat is made with UV and water-resistant material that can withstand being outside for a decade or more. In addition to being durable enough to withstand Mother Nature, the Cellerciser® helps to prevent over- or underpronation of the feet, ankles, and knees to minimize injuries. The Cellerciser®’s mat is put under nearly 200 tons of pressure and a 200 degree oil drum bath to ensure durability and consistency of experience from user to user.
In addition to being a good time, high quality, and the safest rebounder on the market the Cellerciser® has multiple health benefits. The Cellerciser® allows for 5 exercise benefits in one simple practice. These exercises include isometric, isotonic, calisthenic, aerobic, and flexibility. Users of the Cellerciser® have reported increased overall health while regularly rebounding, including better stress management, improved digestion, toxin elimination, and a feeling of balance and agility. The Cellerciser® hosts a multitude of other benefits beyond what is listed in this article. For more information about why Cellerciser® is the best rebounder available, learn more here.
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!