Disclaimer: This Blog/Web Site is made available by the publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give general information & understanding regarding the industry. It is not to be used as specific medical advice or to replace consulting with your doctor. You should always consult with your doctor. By using this Blog / Web Site you understand that this Blog/Web Site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. For our full disclaimer, please read: Cellercise® Disclaimer
Are you wanting to lose some weight? Maybe get more toned and in better shape? But the only problem is you hate exercising, or you don’t have 30 minutes a day to exercise. That’s fine—to lose weight, all you need is 15 minutes a day on the Cellerciser®! The best and safest rebounder on the market, the Cellerciser® is easy and fun to use, not to mention fast and convenient. You can workout on this mini trampoline at home or in the office. You can even do it in your street clothes! With the Cellerciser®, there’s no need to sweat it out at the gym with an expensive gym membership you hardly use or take up your entire basement with fancy, bulky exercise equipment. This small, portable rebounder is a highly-effective weight-loss machine. It works every part of your body while you’re on it, targeting each area at the same time. But losing weight with the Cellerciser® doesn’t just happen on its own, or if you use it sporadically. It takes a combination of three things:
- Buying a Cellerciser®.
- Using it right.
- Using it often.
The best exercise geared toward losing weight with the Cellerciser® is the Jamba run. This aerobic activity uses the biggest muscles in your body, which also gives you the fastest results. You do it by spreading your feet apart, slightly bending your knees, keeping your back straight and running in place on the rebounder. Doing repetitions of the Jamba run causes your body to quickly consume the sugars and glucose in your bloodstream. And as you maintain this exercise, your body then goes after your body’s fat to fuel itself. The Jamba run also helps increase metabolic processes, allowing your body to burn calories faster. But using the Cellerciser® only 15 minutes a day doesn’t just help you lose weight. Other benefits of rebounding include getting a better night’s sleep, having better posture and ridding your body of toxins so your skin has a nice, healthy glow. Along with using the Cellerciser®, be sure you drink lots of water and eat a balanced diet every day as the combination of these things will work together to help you lose weight and maintain overall good health. We also want you to keep in mind weight loss with rebounding is different for everyone. When you lose weight and how much you lose in a given time varies based on your current health conditions and hormone imbalances, as well as how often you use the Cellerciser® and what type of exercise you do on it. But, we can guarantee it’s the right weight-loss investment for you. The Cellerciser® has already helped hundreds of people lose weight. So if you want to feel happy and proud of your body again, and get your youthful glow back, then purchase your very own Cellerciser® today.
NOTE: Remember to always consult with your doctor or health professional before starting new exercise routines.
Get Your Cellerciser® and start rebounding today!